I Am Damaged

I drank, last night. It was out of paranoia, fear, jealousy, everything that makes me the bad person I can be when I get scared.

I was told that it's okay, it can be a one-time thing. I was sober for 390 days. That counts for something, right?

I think I just need to meet more people, do more things, keep my foot on the pedal. So many good things have been happening.

I'm just so fucking tired. I barely slept -- I slept at longest for maybe an hour, and drips and drabs of 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes here and there. I shouldn't trust my emotions at this time. I just, I just ned to relax, and calm down, and be okay.

It's hard being me, I think. Harder than anything I've ever done before.